Selfcare Checklist

for a Daily Boost of Energy and Balance 

Start taking your Selfcare more seriously on busy work days
Learn where you can improve
Feel more balanced and energized

Get your 100% FREE Copy NOW!

Start taking better care of yourself on busy days! You deserve it!

Denise Bekxens

"Great!! I use it every night and feel more aware of the rest and little Selfcare Moments in my day." 

Ellen Heesters

"Very valuable! The check boxes hit the needle on the head. I take more time for myself now than before."

Esmee van Dinteren

"Selfcare is something I really struggle with as a mom. Thanks for this Checklist! Love it!." 

Selfcare is not a luxery.
As a busy mom... it's a necessity! 


Mama, zorg goed voor jezelf! 

  • Boost your Selfcare with a 1 Minute Reflection a Day

  • Increase your awareness in how you take care of yourself and what you need

  • Discover the areas where you can improve your physical and mental wellbeing

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A note from me

Hi! My name is Octavi and I support working moms to transform being busy, stress and overwhelm to a healthy work-life balance, feeling fully in charge and more rest and happiness. 

With 15 years experience in the development and executing of learning activities in leadership skills + my experience as a mom, I have learned how to stay in charge when your life feels like a ratrace (which isn't really fun in the end).

As a corporate consultant I've seen many organizations from the inside. Therefore it's easy for me to understand your work dynamic and the balance-issues that come with it. 

When you become the best CEO of your life, you'll have more time for yourself and be able to really enjoy the things that make you happy. Setting your boundaries in an inportant part of your balance-strategy! 

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