
Premium Coaching

with Ms. Octavi Hermans MA

Plan a Free Intake & Strategy Call

in 6 weeks from tired office mom to being fully in charge, more (work) happiness, resilience and a life you love.

Today in Charge, Tomorrow Succesfull 

Welcome to Premium 1-1 Coaching: your start to a healthy balance and being fully in charge, so that you can experience more rest, resilience and happiness, both at home and in your career.  

Too many women with young child(ren) experience physical and mental health issues as a result of stress, the daily ratrace and being always 'on'. Even 50% of women deals with post-natal depletion*. Realizing 1 in 5 employees has a burnout, you can imagen that you -as a busy mom who fulfills 100 roles- should be extra aware of your stresslevels.

It is challenging to create a healthy work-life balance when you have the care of a child and a demanding job. One of the most important reasons that my clients tell me WHY this is difficult, is that they want to keep everyone happy and they try to meet ALL expectations... with their OWN personal balance and happiness at risk.  

Often it are talentfull achievers who are good at their job and go the extra mile, but find it difficult to maintain boundaries when needed. Result? A feeling of overwhelm, stress and/or frustration. Can you resonate?

* Dr Oscar Serrallach, The Postnatal Depletion Cure

the Risk of doing nothing 

The No. 1 thing you should be aware of is this: if you continue living the ratrace life like you do now, there’s a realistic chance you'll pay a high price in the long run being physical and mental health issues. That's not what you want.

If you think “I do often feel exhausted on Friday afternoon after working my ass of all week, but hey, I can’t complain, I have a good job, secure paycheck, lovely family.. there’s no reason for me to feel dissatisfied or out of balance”.. than think again my friend. If your continue running the ratrace-life, you might end up totally burned-out.

You  need to stop prioritizing the needs of others over yours. Get clear on what it is that you really want! Creating a Balance that WORKS for you. A feeling of being fully in charge. Having more time for yourself and the things that make you happy!

Let me be the one to tell you that it IS possible. You can be the best parent AND be successful in your career, without having to get stuck in the ratrace.

With Premium Coaching I will support you step-by-step to strenghten your personal leaderhip skills, your energy management, your ability to make impactful decisions and how to get more done in your work by doing less.

I am here to help you get FULLY back in charge, so that you can create the balance and life that you deserve. 


How does it work? 

The Balance and Leadership Program includes 6 Live Coach Calls (preferable every two weeks), a high end online coach environment with supportive documents, recordings of our sessions, shared notes etc., practical Tools and a step-by-step path towards maximum results.

The program will be customized to your situation and needs, so that you'll experience maximum value. Together we will work on the topics such as energy management, productivity, mindset management and how to decrease stress in a sustainable way. So that you can experience and immense change, a dream balance an more rest in a matter of weeks!  

Are you ready for your first Premium Coaching Session? You get immediate access to your online coach environment and can schedule your first Session today! 

YES, let's start!

Premium Coaching is for you when:

  • You combine a demanding job and motherhood, you're always 'on' and you have too little time to recharge. 

  • You do a great job in managing it ALL every day, but in the meanwhile you notice that stress and overwhelm are getting on top of you. 

  • You find it difficult to relax. You are always busy, because you want to keep everyone happy around you. 

  • You usually put the needs of others before your own. 

  • You often feel tired, frustrated or out of balance due to your ratrace-lifestyle right now.

what clients say about Premium Coaching


Premium 1-1 Coaching

How does the Program looks like exactly?

Coach Session 1

In the first Coach Session we will focus on the basis, which is: managing your energy. You learn what this is and why this is essential for creating a good work-life balance. You will get practical Toolks to put energy management into (easy) practice, so that you become more aware of your inner battery and what it influences it. Obviously we'll discuss your questions and needs and the general focus of the program. 

Coach Session 2

This is the Work-Life Balance Confrontation Week. It's not as scary as it sounds :-). You will get major clearity on what gives and draines your energy levels and what thoughts and beliefs are holding you back from creating your dream balance. This is important, because without this understandig, you will not be able to make impactfull decisions which we'll cover at the end.

Coach Session 3

This week it is all about Happines and Success! What does those words even mean to you? This week you will get more insight in what really makes you happy, what success means by using the Happiness Deep Dive (includes a workbook). You will also translate the insights to a crystal clear goal that not only creates focus, but also increases those positive vibes instantly. After this week, you'll have a course to follow that is exciting, fulfulling and energetic. 

Coach Session 4

For a healthy balance, more rest and success, you must work on your mindset. That's why this week is focussed on the topic of Mindset Management. You will learn 3 techniques to boost your mental resilience. After this week you'll feel more powerful and resilient which is layer of your 'leadership foundation' that we need for the topic next week.  

Coach Session 5

This week is about Personal Leaderhip and the most important skills that you need to establish and maintain your dream balance and life, which are: Making Impactful Decisions and Setting Boundaries. You will learn different strategies how to do this, so that you will be able to say No without excuses or guilt. After this sessions you will feel stronger and more in charge. You will be able to deal with difficult situation in your benefit.

Coach Session 6

We end our Program with the topic: The Art of Working Smart. You will learn how to work more efficiently, so that you can not only boost your work happiness, but also will have more time for yourself and your family. We will work on both your mindset 'the need to do it all' as practical strategies to help you get laser focused on your daily tasks. Furthermore, I'll teach you the secret of managing your workload effectively. After this week, you will have more focus, you will be more in charge and you will feel more balanced and succesful. #WIN!  

Stop Running. Start Deciding.

What is your next step?

If you keep doing what you always did, you'll have the results you always got. 

Also for YOU it's possible to be more in charge of what fills your day and to create the balace you always dreamed of. If you are willing to step out of your comfort zone, you can be more succesful every day.

Schedule your first Coach Session TODAY and start your journey towards more energy, a clear focus, a healthy work-life balance, feeling fully in charge and more resilient. 

One Day or Day One. You Decide!


The Premium Coaching Balance & Leadership Program includes:  

  • 6 live online 1-1- Coach Sessions with Zoom
  • High end personal online learn environment with everything at one place 
  • Supportive documents such as templates, workbooks and exercises  
  • Summary of every session
  • 5 days a week of personale whatsapp-support
  • A fully customized program for maximum & sustainable results 


Yes, I want to start!

FREE intake & strategy call


Schedule a FREE Intake & Strategy Call today. This is what it will bring you: 

  • We'll discuss your question (or that of your company employees) 
  • You will receive advise in terms of the coaching program and support 
  • You know if we are a good fit 
  • You have clearity in how the customized coaching program looks like 
  • You know the added value of Premium Coaching 

Yes, I want to plan a FREE call

After the premium coaching program:


  • You will feel more resilient due to strengthened personal leadership skills. You have a clear personal compass and the ability to make impactful decisions based on this.

  • You have a clear view of what you want and why. You'll feel more connected with yourself. You have set a crystal clear goal for youself that sparks new energy!

  • You are able to set your boundaries better and say 'No' to things that drain your energy or don't serve you. 

  • You have an empowered mindset that makes it easier to make decisions, stand up for who you are and what you want and need for a healthy work-life balance.

  • You know how to work 'smarter' in stead of 'harder'. You will experience more work happiness and feel more 'on top' and in charge being the best CEO of your own life.

Sounds amazing! Let's have a Chat!

if you start today, you'll get:

  • Personale support during 3 months

  • 6 personal online video Coach Sessions van 45 min

  • Summary after every sessions

  • Instant access to your personal coach environment

  • Recordings of our sessions if you want (uploaded in online environment)

  • Quality supportive documents that are easy to use

  • 5 days a week whatsapp support when needed 

  • A clear step-by-step program to help you creating your dream balance, more rest and energy!  

Ellen Heesters

"For years I wanted to do everything right. I was running both at home and in my job in a commercial environment. I was pleasing everyone around me, but not myself. In the weekend I was tired and needed to recharge in stead of going out with my kids.

The Coach Sessions with Octavi helpt me to understand some essential things like what (really) boosts my energy levels on a daily basis and how to make effective changes in my live. What I loved the video calls, because I always ended them feeling motivated and with a smile on my face. I was able to incorporate the tips and tools that Octavi gave, because they were easy (and very effective). 

The online learning environment made is so easy to find everything I needed and was a real plus. The supportive documents were very helpsful too. Everything together made that I've made way more (and quicker) progress then I imagined. If you are a busy working parent who wants to feel more balanced and in charge, I cannot recommend Coaching with Octavi enough."

No risk

14 day money back guarantee 

For me it is very important that you feel good and get results with the Premium Coaching Sessions. If for whatever reason we wouldn't be a good fit after all or you aren't satisfied, then I would be happy to refund your investment.

Read more about the Refund-Policy here

Vragen & Antwoorden

A note from me

Hi! My name is Octavi Hermans (1983) and I am a Trainer - Coach - Consultant. For years I guided management teams and boards from various businesses and organizations in how to stay in charge in complex situations. From this unique knowlegde and experience, I now support women who juggle a demanding job and the care of young child(ren), so that they an go from feeling overwhelmed and tired to resilient and happy.

I know that as a mom, you want to do it ALL: being the perfect mother, a great colleague, performing employee, well organized chef household, attentive friend etc. The thing is: no-one teaches you how to create a healthy balance when you become a mom. It's a hectic phase of life in which you can easily drown in busyness. I know how that feels. However, ever I started putting the theories and skills I taught management teams into my own momlife, I started to be able to really be in charge of every aspect of my life. It changed everything. 

I am known for my practical approach, result orientation, structure and quality. I can't wait to support you, so that you feel more revived, focussed, empowered and resilient within weeks, so that you can enjoy the balance and that you SO deserve. 

More about me

Ms. O. Hermans MA
Trainer | Coach | Consultant | CEO IBusinessMom
Leadership - Work Life Balance - Productivity 

One Day or Day One. You Decide!


The Premium Coaching Balance & Leadership Program includes:  

  • 6 live online Coach Sessions with Zoom
  • High end personal online learn environment with everything at one place 
  • Supportive documents such as templates, workbooks and exercises  
  • Summary of every session
  • 5 days a week of personale whatsapp-support
  • A fully customized program for maximum & sustainable results 

Yes, I want to start!

FREE intake & strategy call


Schedule a FREE Intake & Strategy Call today. This is what it will bring you: 

  • We'll discuss your question (or that of your company employees) 
  • You will receive advise in terms of the coaching program and support 
  • You know if we are a good fit 
  • You have clearity in how the customized coaching program looks like 
  • You know the added value of Premium Coaching 


Yes, I want to plan a FREE call